You are flipping through the flash book at your local underground scratcher, but you are not just looking at their designs, you are reading between the pages and realising, that it is all about the body.
You stare at their Y2k-Blackwork design, and suddenly the world around you stops for a second. Likewise, you hear Lena Meyer-Landrut‘s “Satellite” playing in the distance and remember yourself sitting in the waiting room of a piercing studio in the nearest town to the village you grew up in. You are 14 years old and patiently waiting for the moment to get your first piercing. It is (of course) a ring through the side of your lower lip.
“Body Mod As A Campy Practice” is a playful attempt to explore whether tattooing can be a queer cultural practice, utilizing various camp mechanisms.
“Many things in the world have not been named; and many things, even if they have been named, have never been described.” (Susan Sontag 1964)